Ehomaki is a sushi roll that is believed to be good luck when eaten on setsubun day.
”Eho” means an auspicious direction.
Rules when eating ehomaki
When eating Ehomaki
1.look in the year's good luck direction it silently, making a wish.
3.Ehomaki should not be cut.
4.Please eat all at once without leaving anything behind.
This represents not cutting any good bonds in the future.
The 7 filling inside Ehomaki represent the 7 gods so called “shichifukujin”. This has the meaning of “rolling in luck”.
The ingredients for our ehomaki are 7 types of traditional ingredients such as.
1. Steamed shrimp
2. eel
3. SAKURA-DENNBU (pink-colored sweet flavored fish flakes)
4. shiitake mushroom
5. Kanpyo
6. cucumber
7. Omelette
The lucky direction for Setsubun in 2025 is east-northeast (to be more specific, east-northeast-wee-east).
let's improve your luck this year, please look to the Eho (The lucky direction) and eat Ehomaki.
Ehomaki sales date: February 2rd
Pick up time: 13:00-18:00
Pick-up location: Sakamotoya (zgoda 3)
FULL size (18cm) 70,00 PLN
Half size (9cm) 40,00 PLN