This product is a traditional Japanese New Year's food "Osechi" (Japanese New Bento) is a single serving.
This item will only be sold to customers who can pick it up at the Sakamoto-Ya store from 1pm to 5pm on December 31st. The address is Zgoda 3, 00-018 Warsaw.
“Osechi” are traditional foods which are eaten by a lot of Japanese on New Year’s Day. It includes many kinds of Japanese traditional foods, and they are packed together in “Jubako”, which is a special box that resembles bento boxes.
All dishes are auspicious foods and each has its own auspicious reason.
① KUROMAME (Sweet Black beans), ② DATE-MAKI (Omlette with in shrimp paste), ③ NAMASU (Radish and carrots pickles), ④ KURI-KINTON (Mashed sweet potatoes with sweetened chestnuts), ⑤ KOMBU MAKI (Herring wrapped in kelp), ⑥ NISHIME (Boiled vegetables with dashi stock) , ⑦ TAZUKURI (Candied dried sardines), ⑧ EBI NO UMAMI (Boiled shrimp with dashi stock), ⑨ SAKE SAIKYO-YAKI (grilled Saikyo-miso marinated salmon) , ⑩ TAKO YAWARAKA-NI (Soft stewed octopus), ⑪ YAWATA MAKI (Vegetable-wrapped teriyaki chicken), ⑫ WAGYU SHIGURE-NI (Ginger-flavored stew of Wagyu beef)
Quantities are limited. If you wish to purchase, please hurry